¡Feliz año nuevo!
¡¡FFeelliizz aaññoo nnuueevvoo!!

¡Feliz año nuevo!

So here we are, January 2024. The time to enact resolutions, attempt periodic sobriety, and sign up for gym memberships. I do hope your Christmas period was enjoyable. Mine was eventful, having changed jobs, published a novella, experienced a delightful bout of sinusitis, travelled to Switzerland, and ran the usual gauntlet of Christmas plays, retail trauma, and monstrous gluttony. In the midst of all the madness I attempted to post on here, but in all honesty, Christmas used up the remaining mental energy I had left at the end of a long year.

After a little time away from the grindstone, I have been able to reset and refresh somewhat. During this period of reflection on the hopes and aspirations of a new year, the overwhelming objective I have can be distilled down to a single word: balance. The last couple of years have been intense for various reasons – largely related to me trying to do too much. This year I want to try and manage everything more effectively. I have to focus on the new day job, which I’m pretty excited about. The writing will continue of course but at a more manageable pace. Trying to push too hard on this at times has not been good for my mental health. And probably not for the writing either.

In the interest of a balanced lifestyle, both physical and mental health will be near the top of the list of priorities for this year. As will finding time to do enjoyable activities away from the desk and beyond spending all free hours writing. That said, on the writing front, interesting times are still ahead as I try to find a home for my second novel and aim to continue to publish the Cor Et Caput series (novella #2 due in Q2).

How will it all pan out? Who knows. Each new year we plan and hope for the months ahead but life is unpredictable and sometimes it’s difficult to quell the creative spirit that energises the soul and excites us through the dullest days. In such instances, maintaining balance and calm is like trying to stand on the deck of a boat in the middle of the stormy seas. Such is life I suppose.

I wish you all the best for the year ahead, and hope it brings you harmony – in whatever shape or form that comes.