A well overdue update
A well overdue update

A well overdue update

Wow, what a busy summer it’s been. Between family visits, work trips abroad, a few days in Latvia to watch Wales play football (seriously) and working on two major projects, I’ve lost focus on this dear platform. But heading into the spooky months and the end of year and I realise I need to put in the time on the blog as well.

The two projects I refer two are as follows: Firstly, my second novel, a horror piece, which has taken a bit of kneading to really get into shape. Recent drafts have seen it grow after beta reading to over 120k words, which I *hope* and *believe* are all necessary. Currently it’s undergoing further beta reading by my most formidable reader, the wife, who will no doubt give clear and candid feedback on whether the last set of changes work! The working title is DON’T LET THEM TAKE THE CHILDREN. The next step will be the usual agent gauntlet followed by potential publishing options. Watch this space.

Secondly, the fantasy series I shared earlier in the year (BY THE BLOOD OF BRETHREN AND BLACKGUARDS) has also evolved and and I’ve separated each of the main characters’ stories out and plan to release them as a series of individual novellas – a format new to me but which I hope will work based on the nature of the interconnecting stories. More news to follow on this one as well!